About me

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Max Planck Institute for Informatics in the Network and Cloud Systems group, advised by Prof. Yiting Xia. My main research interests lie in Network Systems, with a strong focus on Data Center Networks. As computing power is moving to Data Centers, I believe there is much to be gained in terms of efficiency and sustainability by pushing the current boundaries of engineering. In that regard, I am interested in Optical/Reconfigurable Data Center Networks, which have the potential to efficiently serve large-scale infrastructures in the future. More specifically, I am currently working on dedicated routing and transport for Reconfigurable Data Center Networks.

Before joining as a Ph.D. student, I was a M.Sc. student at Saarland University working as a HiWi (student worker) for the same research group, where I developed a strong interest for Reconfigurable Data Center Networks. Previously, I received by B.Sc. from University of Bologna advised by Prof. Renzo Davoli, working on Userspace Network Virtualization and DNS in his VirtualSquare laboratory.